Friday, October 27, 2006
Well this is it. The time has come. Today is the night before the fast. I have finished my first cup of Smooth Move or what I would like to call the Poop Tea. TMI, but it fits the occasion. It was pretty bland, but ok enough to stomach. I will probably go to bed soon and prepare for the what I am anticipating a rude awakening. Those details are for tomorrows post though.

So...Happy Friday!! Today was good. My morning was productive. Got some things done at the office and watched the clock til it was lunch time. I was meeting my best good friend...we will call her Kitty for lunch today and decided to have my last lunch in style at our favorit place to eat. BUENO. I had the chicken mucho nacho and a Dr. Pepper. It was everything that I wanted it to be. Kitty and I spend some time catching up and exchanged photos of eachother when we were pounds lighter...the not so BUENO days. She took some before pictures of me so hopefully I will be able to post those soon. We both went back to work after lunch and the remainder of the day dragged like a bad movie.

Finally it was time to go home and see my hunny. First I had to make a stop and get my remaining items that I needed for the Lemonade, or what I like to call LemoNasty. 32 lemons I bought and some tools to make everything. We grabbed some food from KFC. My "light" Last Supper was a salad. I would have preffered what my hunny was eating, but I suffered through it. Later we watched the latest Adam Sandler movie and when that was over we had some extra energy and hung some mirrors that have been waiting for the right time.

And thats about it. So this is the preview post of what is to come for the next 10 days. Yes 10. I hope they are speedy. I am sure there is better details to follow tomorrow. Chat tomorrow same time, same place.
posted by kellykellykelly at 11:56 PM |


At 7:46 PM, Blogger courtneyl said........
oooohhhhhh GIRL!!! how was the first day?!?! tell me, i'm dying to know!! hopefully it wasn't too bad!! your blog today cracked me up! i loved it!!
ah, you and b hung mirrors did you? (wee-chee-ta mirrors?) ;)
Love the Lemonade!!