Tuesday, December 26, 2006
...but I have the need to blog right now. I really don't have much to post, but I guess if I had a friend here we would just be shootin the shit. Christmas was good. Santa treated us all well. It was a day of traveling and hanging with our neighbors for dinner and Wii. Now I am just trying to decide when to go to bed. We don't have LC this week so I will get an extra hour of sleep which I must say is very much needed. I still wish that he was hear. He left with his Mom this morning. It didn't feel like Christmas until I saw him opening his presents. And then the moment passed. So, tomorrow starts a new work week. Thankfully a short one, but lets hope that the stress is on winter break. I decided that sometime this week I am going to post my year in review due to the approach of 2007, so I hope that you are on the edge of your seats. It will probably not be as exciting but it seems like a fun thing for me to do since it will be yet another fresh start. Ok, I think I have relieved myself of the nervouse energy and will head off to bed now.

P.S. Girl! Thanks for all your wonderful comments. They brighten my day no matter how grey it gets. I hope that you and R had a very special and Merry Christmas.

Nighty Night!
- K
posted by kellykellykelly at 12:16 AM |


At 12:01 PM, Blogger courtneyl said........
i SO cannot wait for your year in review!!! i think that is a most excellent idea!! YEAH!!! too bad i can't remember mine... hehe
GIRL! you always make me feel better too!!! :)