Sorry for the are the details of the latest with the cleanse and me.
WARNING: This information may be too graphic for some..reader discretion advised!!!
I woke up Saturday morning with some cramping in my stomach. I went to the bathroom and surprised things weren't as bad as I was expecting. Later, I went to my directions to see what was on the cleanse agenda for the day. So the cleanse calls for 1 quart of water and 2 tbsp. of sea salt..chugged. So I chugged. It was horrible. I felt like I was full to the brim with my scarey saline and thought I was going to throw up. BUT! I kept it down. I sat for about 10 minutes not moving waiting for my stomach to settle. Then once it hit me. There were some kids that needed to be dropped off at the pool. Luckly, I had prepared myself. There was extra toilet paper in the bathroom and a pile of People Magazines, that were waiting to be thumbed through. They came in handy. This time was subtle. Ten minutes later I was thinking WTF! It seemed like in 20 minutes everything that I drank had exited...there were no kids, just a pool if you get my drift. TMI I know, but for those that are considering the clease I feel it is important information to know. Once that was over I wasn't in the bathroom anymore...for that reason anyway.
Later, my hubby woke up..we layed around for a bit, I offered to make him breakfast. He declined and opted for some cereal and ate it in the other room. I didn't know at first, but he didn't want me to cook him breakfast because he knew that I wasn't going to be able to enjoy it. Love him. While he was eating his cereal I started preparing the LemoNasty.
3 Quarts of Water
1 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice (5 small lemons)
1 cup of Organic Maple Syrup Grade B
1 tsp. of Cayeen Pepper
Surprisingly the LemoNasty wasn't that bad or I was starving. I had a quart of the LemoNasty by 2pm.
We had a wedding that afternoon so leading up to it we were getting ready to go and I was trying to convince my hunny it wasn't going to be that bad. And of course it was a beautiful ceremony. Except for the sun beating down on my was an outside wedding. Due to the sun and the empty stomach I developed what had seemed like the worst headache of my life. I didn't take anything because there wasn't anything in my stomach and it wouldn't have worked anyway. After the wedding we went to my parents to visit and if I were eating, to eat. We hung out..dinner was ready and I noticed once I was sitting by myself that every one had left the room to eat, which was odd because we usually eat together in the living room. I was appreciative..they didn't want to eat in front of me and they were very supportive by not tempting me. The food smelt sooo good...and I don't even like hamburgers.
The headache remained and my head was playing with me. At that time all I could think about was food. How hungry I was...I kept staring at my jug of LemoNasty...then chugging, nothing was working my emotions were messing with me and my head was still pounding. I had two full quarts so far and one left. I decided that I needed to go home and get to bed so that the next day would come and I could start over. What sucks is that my hunny and I barely get to spend time with each other because of our work schedules so I didn't want to go to bed right away. I couldn't take it I was starving, my head hurt, my stomach was in knots..I wanted to have a I caved.
Dammit, I didn't want to do this. I only made it 24 hours. Why can't my actions overthrow my head. Dammit! I did have the best grill cheese sandwich of my entire life though. After my teeny stomach was full I went to bed. I made it to 10 o' clock. I felt bad for my hunny, but I was exhausted from not eating all day. I fell asleep and when I woke up my headached was gone.
This isn't over...I will have the full on cleanse. I just know this time not to start it on a weekend, not to have a kitchen full of fresh food, and not to do it when you have important plans that following week that involve food. My step son's birthday is next week and I want to be able to eat pizza when we go to Chuck E Cheese, or eat his birthday cake or have a glass of tea...real tea when we are watching him open his presents. I spent over $50 on the ingredients for this thing, I will over come it. Apologies, if I let anyone down that was considering the Master Cleanse. I know now what not to do on it. Next time, I will last more than 24 hours. So this is why I didn't post last night...I was dreading this post, but I feel better.
For those that will commence with the cleanse...GOOD LUCK!!!