Tuesday, September 20, 2005
So this is really sad, and maybe pathetic, but the people that share this obession with me will understand - TONIGHT IS THE LAST NIGHT OF BIG BROTHER!!!! Now it's dissappointing how the show is going to end, but I actually have to function like a normal human being after tonight. I am not the only person with this illness, I am not alone; there are a handful of people that are by my side that have the same addiction. Usually the schedule starts on a Tuesday, then we read the online summaries (some people have the live feeds.) Then Thursday gets here and we usually know what happens, but we find out who gets evicted and who is taking over the house, then saturday we find out who is nominated to be evicted. It is an endless cycle and it continues to feed us our need for the information - until now. If the show doesn't go my way - my night is ruined...it has taken me since friday to get over the fact that the girl that America wanted to win was sent home. If I have a chemical imbalance, that is what Big Brother is...now someone is taking my drug from me. I will be coming clean from my addiction starting tomorrow. I guess I can use The Real World as my Morphine to come off of BB6. I think that the group of people that have come to love the BB House will now have to be each other's support group. They can call us BBA - Big Brother Anonymous.
posted by kellykellykelly at 5:11 PM |


At 6:54 PM, Blogger Jaisn Hart said........
OK....I've caught up with all your postings. Here's what I have to say.
1. Way harsh Ty....LOVE IT!!
2. Quiting smoking can actually HELP you lose weight.
3. It can take 30 days to get into a routine, but why take so long? Honestly babe...try South Beach. It gives you two weeks to get in the right frame of eating right. Half Price Books has the book for like 15.00. Look into it. I lost 7lbs my first week. This IS honestly the best food regiment, not diet, out there. It's not a diet because you can still eat things that you like, but you eat the helthier things, and eat the bad thigs, only so often. Let me know if you have any questions. I will DEFINATELY help. It works, promise promise!!